10 Developmental Milestones for Infants

Developmental milestones are important markers of a child’s growth and progress during the first year of life. But mant parents aren’t always sure what to look for, especially new parents with their infants. 

So we’ve created a list of developmental milestones that you can keep an eye out for in your infants as they grow! Check out this list of 10 development milestones for infants!

10 Developmental Milestones for Infants

1) Head Control (2 to 4 Months)

Infants begin to gain control of their head and neck muscles. They can lift their head briefly when lying on their tummy and turn their head from side to side.

2) Rolling Over (4 to 6 Months)

Around 4 to 6 months, most infants can roll from their tummy to their back and vice versa. This milestone demonstrates increased strength and coordination.

3) Sitting Independently (6 to 8 Months)

At this stage, infants can sit up without support. Initially, they may need their hands to balance, but as their core muscles strengthen, they can sit independently.

4) Reaching and Grasping (6 to 9 Months)

Infants develop the ability to reach out for objects and grasp them using their hands. They may start transferring objects from one hand to the other.

5) Crawling (6 to 10 Months)

As their mobility increases, infants start crawling on their hands and knees or using alternative methods, such as scooting or rolling, to explore their environment.

6) Babbling (6 to 12 Months)

Infants begin making repetitive consonant-vowel sounds, such as “ba-ba,” “ma-ma,” or “da-da.” Babbling is an essential precursor to language development.

7) Pulling Up to Stand (9 to 12 Months)

Infants develop the strength to pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or other support. This milestone prepares them for walking.

8) First Words (10 to 12 Months)

By their first birthday, many infants say their first words. These words may include simple sounds like “mama,” “dada,” or the names of familiar objects.

9) Cruising (10 to 12 Months)

Cruising is when infants walk while holding onto furniture or other support. It is an intermediate step before independent walking.

10) First Steps (12 Months)

Around their first birthday, many infants take their first independent steps. In the early stages, they may be wobbly and unsteady, but they gradually improve their walking skills.

It is important to note that every child is unique, and developmental milestones can vary. Some infants may reach these milestones earlier or later than the typical range, and that’s generally within the range of normal development. 

If you have concerns about your child’s development or if they haven’t reached certain milestones within the expected timeframe, consider discussing your observations with a pediatrician or a child development specialist.